Climate Change

The Climate Crisis is a Hunger Crisis

Drought, floods, fires, heatwaves, and other climate shocks are driving people from their homes, destroying livelihoods, and pushing communities deeper into hunger. Climate change has a dramatic impact on the quantity and nutritious quality of food produced around the world. It also contaminates and threatens water supply.

Action Against Hunger helps communities adapt and build resiliency to extreme weather patterns and disasters, while finding sustainable sources of healthy food.

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Climate Change Threatens Food and Water

Climate change hampers communities’ access to nutritious food and clean water around the world.

Loko fetches water from an Action Against Hunger water station.

People Affected by Water Scarcity


Increase in Extreme Climate-Related Disasters in the Last 30 Years

Two people stand in their field.

Projected Drop in Rice Yields by 2050 as Temperatures Rise

Severe drought in the Horn and East Africa is displacing communities and driving hunger that threatens to worsen in the coming months.

People Displaced by Drought in Somalia Since January 2021


Climate change is driving millions of people into hunger. Here, we’re highlighting 10 simple solutions that give communities sustainable access to food – and hope.

Climate change makes life challenging for herders as water and grazing land becomes harder to find.
Lys Arango
Action Against Hunger, Mauritania
Rosalyn rears Galla goats, a hardy breed that can survive harsh climates.
Peter Caton
Action Against Hunger, Kenya
In a crisis, sometimes the best and fastest way to help a family in need is to provide cash.
Sébastien Duijndam
Action Against Hunger, Nigeria

In the Sahel region of West Africa, climate shocks make decent pasture harder to find. We created the Pastoral Early Warning System, an innovative system of real-time alerts that help herders find better grazing land.

These West African Herders Are Using AI To Find Food For Livestock

Across many of the drought-prone communities where we work, solar power helps to fuel everything from water pumps to portable irrigation systems.

Solar Power Restores Pipes and Renews Hope

Action Against Hunger gives women in Kenya the tools they need to raise Galla goats, a hardy, heat-tolerant breed of goats that stand resilient even during prolonged droughts. The goats provide nutritious milk for their families.

Goats and Big Dreams in Kenya

We help communities to build resilience to shocks – but, sometimes, a shock is too severe or sudden for people to cope. That’s why we also provide cash transfers to help families impacted by disasters access food, shelter, and medicine.

Somalia: What is Action Against Hunger Doing

Pakistani Women are Leading the Fight Against Climate Change

Jenny Ankrom, Action Against Hunger Country Director for Pakistan, tells us how rural women are leading the fight against malnutrition and climate change – taking control of their community’s health.


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