Growing Food Insecurity in Haïti


  • Population: 11.5 million
  • People in Need: 4.9 million

Our Impact

  • People Helped Last Year: 1,180,656
  • Our Team: 156 employees
  • Program Start: 1985

Across Haiti, nearly half of the population – approximately 4.9 million people – are grappling with hunger levels that have reached or exceeded crisis levels. Weeks of unprecedented violence have closed the airport and shipping in Port Au Prince, paralyzing the nation’s capital and largest city and having devastating impacts throughout the country. Food, fuel, and other essentials aren’t reaching markets and hunger levels are rising across Haiti as fewer commodities arrive in Port-au-Prince for distribution nationwide.

Haiti imports between 50% to 85% of its food—depending on the crop, the season, and the situation on the ground—which means that thousands in this impoverished country are particularly vulnerable to inflation and price volatility in international markets. Even before the current crisis, inflation over the last two years reached 48% and it only continues to increase.

Weakness in the gourde, Haiti’s currency, and the additional costs of security mean consumer prices for major food products are significantly higher than in neighboring countries. While limited aid is making its way into the country by helicopter, that approach is not a long-term solution as it is extremely complex, expensive, and unsustainable.

Action Against Hunger, which has been working in Haiti since 1985, is urging local, national, and regional actors to arrange expedited humanitarian supplies and food shipments through secondary ports and airports, notably Cap Haitien. While smaller ports may not be a perfect solution, new approaches are essential to help address the current crisis.

In addition to advocating to effective approach to meet immediate needs, Action Against Hunger also is calling for funding for programs that can promote food security and reduce the reliance on imports. The nonprofit provides seeds and supplies to help people plant relatively fast-growing and nutritious foods like tomatoes and cucumbers. It also sees the potential for investments in cash crops like cassava and peanuts, which can provide a source of income and jobs.

Despite the growing need, aid to Haiti has decreased dramatically. In 2023, only 34% of Haiti’s hunger-related funding appeals were fulfilled, leaving a hunger funding gap of 66%. So far this year, the Humanitarian Response Plan for Haiti has received only 6.5% of funding requested. Donations are essential to save lives and enable a concerted response from NGOs in the country.


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