On the evening of May 26, 2022, an Action Against Hunger team was attacked while staying overnight in a village while travelling to Mambasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. An Action Against Hunger car was set on fire and two additional cars were stoned. Our team members are now safe and cared for in Mambasa, but shocked by these violent events.
“While initial first signs suggest that this attack was not directly targeting our teams, Action Against Hunger strongly condemns these violent acts. Our staff were victims, and we call for a thorough investigation into this event. Nothing justifies attacks on humanitarian workers, whose sole purpose is to help vulnerable communities in need,” said Giovanni Sciolto, Country Director of Action Against Hunger in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organization extends its gratitude to Congolese authorities, who sheltered our staff in the wake of the attacks.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, 27 million people depend on humanitarian aid to survive. In order to safely deliver lifesaving assistance to millions of people, humanitarian actors and spaces must be respected in accordance with International Humanitarian Law.
Action Against Hunger has worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1997. The organization carries out nutrition, health, water, sanitation, hygiene, mental health, food security, and livelihoods activities in North Kivu, Ituri, Kasaï, and East Kasaï. Our mobile emergency team also intervenes in nutrition crises throughout the country. In 2021, Action Against Hunger programs reached 950,000 people in the country.