
An adult holds a baby's hand
Florian Seriex
Action Against Hunger, Yemen

The State of Hunger in Yemen

Ongoing violence and insecurity have pushed millions of Yemeni people into a devastating humanitarian crisis. Even before the current conflict, families were facing severe hardship in Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world.

In addition to conflict, the high rates of hunger in Yemen are driven by lack of clean water, diverse and healthy food, and income as well as disease outbreaks and recurring natural disasters.

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How We're Helping in Yemen

Support for mothers, caretakers, and young children is at the heart of Action Against Hunger’s work in Yemen. Our teams save lives by preventing and treating malnutrition, improving access to water, sanitation, and hygiene, and providing mental health services.

A girl gets water from a tap

People Reached By Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Programs

Watheek and his family were displaced by the violence in Yemen. He is recovering from malnutrition with support from Action Against Hunger.

People Reached By Nutrition & Health Programs

A child at one of Action Against Hunger’s health clinics in Yemen, a country on the brink of famine
Florian Seriex
Action Against Hunger, Yemen
In Yemen, a woman stands in front of her community, which has been destroyed by conflict.
Florian Seriex
Action Against Hunger, Yemen
Two children on a donkey in Yemen
Florian Seriex
Action Against Hunger, Yemen

We train mothers and community leaders on healthy and safe practices to feed infants and young children.

Our teams provide female-headed households with cash transfers to help them support their families.

To conserve energy and prevent power outages, we've installed solar panels in our health facilities and field offices, using local materials.

Pledge to End Hunger


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