
Ukrainian refugees in a reception center a few miles from the border in Moldova.
Gonzalo Höhr
Action Against Hunger, Moldova

The State of Hunger in Romania

The war in Ukraine threatens the lives and livelihoods of millions of civilians. An estimated 7 million people have fled the country to escape the conflict, seeking refuge in neighboring countries, including Romania. Displaced families have left behind jobs, belongings, and loved ones, and they need shelter, food, and water.

How We're Helping in Romania

Action Against Hunger is working with local partners to set up mental health projects near the border with Ukraine. Our teams have also been supporting cash transfer programs in Bucharest, lasi, and Suceava so families can buy food, medicine, and anything else they need.

Hundreds of people crowd into Ukraine in Palanca, on the Moldovan border. There are traffic queues of more than 10 kilometers and some people spend 24 hours to get to the border. Volunteer organizations distribute food and hot drinks to make the wait more bearable.

Ukrainian Refugees Currently in Romania


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