Gaza Crisis Appeal
Pakistan has South Asia’s second largest economy, but inequality, poverty, conflict, and limited access to basic social services have limited its development. The country is vulnerable to frequent climate shocks, such as floods and droughts, leaving millions at risk of hunger and in need of humanitarian assistance. Pakistan also hosts millions of refugees from neighboring Afghanistan.
Action Against Hunger works with local partners and government agencies to improve the country’s health system and capacity to treat and prevent malnutrition. We also support farmers, especially women, to grow crops and raise livestock in the face of climate change.
People Benefited From Food Security & Livelihoods Support
People Reached By Nutrition & Health Programs
At Action Against Hunger's Farmer Field Schools, agriculture experts teach farmers climate-smart growing techniques, introduce nutritious, resilient crops, and provide practice plots for people to test what they’ve learned.
Learn MoreTo prevent malnutrition by improving diets, we help farmers to set up biofortification programs for their crops designed to fill dietary gaps, such as common micronutrient deficiencies like iron, vitamin A, and Zinc.
“A health worker, Nausheen, told me about this center - that they are treating children and provide nutritional care, which is beneficial for children’s health. So, I brought my daughter here and now she is much better than before.””
— Kausar, mother of six-month-old Zainab, who was treated for malnutrition by Action Against Hunger.
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