
Guy Calaf
Action Against Hunger
01. 02. 03.

How We're Helping in Sudan

Action Against Hunger works in White Nile, Blue Nile, South Kordofan, and Central Darfur, all regions facing severe hunger crises. As a leading nutrition expert in Sudan, we respond to emergencies, prevent and treat malnutrition, measure and analyze the severity of hunger in the country, and work alongside partners to improve food security.


Children Under 5 and Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women Are Acutely Malnourished

An aerial view of the displacement camp where Action Against Hunger has been trucking in clean water. In the immediate aftermath of the floods, our rapid emergency response focused on helping 2,532 displaced people.

Displaced People in Sudan

Photo: Andrew Parsons/i-Images for Action Against Hunger, South Sudan

More People Need Urgent Assistance in 2023 Compared to 2022

The State of Hunger in Sudan

Humanitarian needs in Sudan are at an all-time high, with 15.8 million people in need. The crisis is driven by conflict, a political and economic instability, internal displacement, climate disasters, and localized violence in the country.

Prolonged dry spells, erratic rains and subsequent crop failures have driven hunger and malnutrition rates up. Sudan’s health system has long been under extreme stress. Gender-based violence continues to be a life-threatening issue exacerbated by conflict, forced displacement, and recurring disasters such as floods.

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