Gaza Crisis Appeal
Unprecedented levels of violence, years of political instability, and recurring natural disasters have kept Haiti in an impoverished tailspin, placing one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after another in the country’s path to development, with more than half of the population living below the poverty line.
In Haiti, our teams prevent and treat malnutrition and other illnesses, improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene, and support food security and livelihoods among the most vulnerable people.
People Reached By Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Programs
People Reached By Nutrition & Health Programs
When a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit southern Haiti on the morning of August 14, 2021, and impacted an estimated 1.2 million people, Action Against Hunger was among the first to respond.
Haiti Earthquake Response: Providing Water, Nutrition, Mental Health SupportAction Against Hunger played a lead role in eradicating cholera, an illness spread through contaminated water. We investigated suspected cases, distributed hygiene kits, disinfected water points, and educated families about how to stay safe from the deadly disease.
The Final Frontier of Cholera Eradication in HaitiWhile many take toilets for granted, one billion people don’t have toilets or latrines - a leading cause of disease worldwide. Action Against Hunger has led innovative sanitation marketing research to find community-backed, local interventions that have staying power.
The Promise of Sanitation MarketingAction Against Hunger’s Country Director for Haiti, Roseval Supreme, spoke on NPR’s “The Takeaway” to discuss rising hunger in the country.
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