
A man and a woman work in their fields.
Stuart Tibaweswa
Action Against Hunger, Uganda

The State of Hunger in Uganda

Pervasive drought, a spike in global food prices, and lingering socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 are driving rising food insecurity in Uganda.

Uganda is the largest refugee-hosting country in Africa. Large numbers of displaced people puts pressure on underfunded humanitarian programs. Many people living in Uganda lack basic services, such as water, sanitation, hygiene, and health. Refugees also need long term support, particularly to improve their livelihoods and resilience.

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How We're Helping in Uganda

In Uganda, we work in five refugee settlements to prevent and treat malnutrition for young children, pregnant women, and new mothers. Our teams educate communities on how to lead healthy lifestyles, work with farmers to grow new crops and improve their yields, and increase access to water, sanitation, and hygiene.

People work in their fields.

People Benefited From Food Security & Livelihoods Programs

An Action Against Hunger aid worker walks through a field.

People Reached By Nutrition & Health Programs

In Uganda, Action Against Hunger is helping refugees and host communities make the most of their land and existing resources to grow a variety of nutritious crops.
Stuart Tibaweswa
Action Against Hunger, Uganda
A refugee woman waits with her child at a health post in Kyangwali, Uganda
Stuart Tibaweswa
Action Against Hunger, Uganda
A woman in her cabbage patch
Stuart Tibaweswa
Action Against Hunger, Uganda
A woman waters her crops.
Stuart Tibaweswa
Action Against Hunger, Uganda

Our teams create and support farmers’ groups, who rent land together, learn new skills, negotiate fair prices, and create local demand for nutritious crops.

Lucy: One Refugee’s Perseverance in a Pandemic

We provide cash transfers and food vouchers, giving families the skills and confidence to support themselves, make their own decisions, and manage their resources.

We're helping refugees grow, eat, and sell foods like cabbages, passion fruit, pawpaw trees, onions, and sweet potatoes to support her family.

Planting Seeds of Hope in Uganda

Our water, sanitation, and hygiene teams help families to build latrines, install handwashing stations, and learn how they can improve sanitation.

Pledge to End Hunger

The Road to Food Security

In Uganda, our robust food security and livelihoods program supports people with food vouchers and agricultural inputs. We provide individuals with the tools they need to become more self-reliant and invest in their own futures, including:


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