Gaza Crisis Appeal
Tanzania has experienced significant economic growth over the past two decades and has enough food to feed its population. Even so, the burden of undernutrition remains high and unequal. Chronic drought and inefficient farming techniques contribute to reduced crop yields and rising food prices. One in three Tanzanians faces chronic malnutrition.
Action Against Hunger works with our partners in Tanzania to save lives by and treating malnutrition and improve livelihoods and food production by equipping farmers with climate-smart farming techniques, post-harvest management. We are also educating women and adolescent girls about sanitation, nutrition, and food preservation.
People Reached By Nutrition & Health Programs
People Reached By Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Programs
Communities in Tanzania face an annual “hunger season” when food supplies run out. Climate change makes them longer and more unpredictable. We’re helping families make their food supplies last longer with drying and storage tools for crops.
Anceran, known as the "Mother of Vegetables", learned how to grow gardens with limited land and water and how to preserve her crops using solar driers.
How the ‘Mother of Vegetables’ Turned Her Life AroundMany girls who lack access to sanitary products stop attending schools during menstruation. We work to fight stigma around menstruation, equip girls with reusable sanitary pads, and provide a safe space for learning and sharing.
Join our community of supporters passionate about ending world hunger.