
A woman weaves baskets in Niger.
Lys Arango
Action Against Hunger, Niger

The State of Hunger in Niger

Despite being a landlocked country with little arable land for farming, around 80% of people in Niger rely on agriculture and livestock for their livelihoods. Farmers and herders face significant challenges, including frequent droughts and floods, poor soil quality, and lack of access to seeds and fertilizers.

About 60% of Nigeriens live below the poverty line and access to sustainable sources of food is limited. Nearly half of all children in Niger suffer from malnutrition.

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How We're Helping in Niger

Action Against Hunger improves access to livelihoods, markets, and income opportunities in Niger. We are:

  • distributing seeds and tools to farmers
  • providing essential supplies, clean water, and safe sanitation in emergencies
  • expanding access to healthcare and nutrition across the country
A child is measured for malnutrition at an Action Against Hunger nutrition screening in Mayahi, Niger.

People Reached By Nutrition & Health Programs

A man pours water from a well into a boy's jerrycan.

People Reached By Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Programs

Helping Herders

In the Sahel region of West Africa, livestock accounts for 40% of the agricultural GDP, but climate shocks make decent pasture harder to find. To solve this problem, we created the Pastoral Early Warning System, an innovative system of real-time alerts that help herders find better grazing land.

Our system uses satellite imagery of biomass and water combined with mobile surveys of people on the ground who share market prices, trends in animal diseases, and reports of bushfires. Using artificial intelligence, we analyze the data and send alerts to approximately 100,000 herders via radio, text, and community bulletins.


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