
A girl eats Plumpy'Nut, the lifesaving ready-to-use therapeutic food that will help her recover from malnutrition.
Toby Madden
Action Against Hunger, Mali

The State of Hunger in Mali

Nearly 70% of the population in Mali lives in poverty. Two-thirds of the country is comprised of desert or semi-desert land with long periods of drought every year. While vulnerable people in these areas already suffer from chronic food insecurity, the worsening droughts are making it harder for people to cope with and recover from food shortages.

Widespread poverty, food insecurity, and conflict have led to alarming numbers of children facing severe malnutrition.

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How We're Helping in Mali

In Mali, Action Against Hunger supports communities by:

  • building resilience to periods of food shortages
  • training community health workers to screen and treat children under five for malnutrition
  • improving access to clean water and sanitation
  • running mental health support groups
A mother, carrying a child on her back, pours clean water from a well into a bucket.

People Benefited From Food Security & Livelihoods Programs

A young boy eats Plumpy'Nut, the ready-to-use therapeutic food used to treat malnutrition.

People Reached By Nutrition & Health Programs

An Action Against Hunger aid worker drives a motorbike down a dirt road in Mali
Toby Madden
Action Against Hunger, Mali
Naré Tounkara, matron of the Boudofo Community Health Center in Kita, Mali, measures a child for malnutrition.
Toby Madden
Action Against Hunger, Mali
Child and mother in Mali
Toby Madden
Action Against Hunger, Mali

"Action Against Hunger is behind all the great victories against malnutrition the district has achieved."”

— Dr. Samou Diarra, Nutrition Focal Point for the Kayes Health District

Our teams have carried out ground-breaking research in Mali, helping to train community health workers to both screen and treat malnutrition.

With your help, we can one day end hunger in Mali and around the world.

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