
Farmers work in parched fields. Action Against Hunger works to support agricultural projects, but more support is needed as drought and sandstorms continue to wreak havoc on planting and harvest seasons.
Stephane Rakotomalala
Action Against Hunger, Madagascar

The State of Hunger in Madagascar

Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world. Though the country’s economy benefits from ecotourism, ecological research, and a growing agricultural sector, an unequal distribution of wealth has left more than 75% of the population living below the poverty line. The country is also extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change, in particular droughts, floods, and cyclones.

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How We're Helping in Madagascar

In Madagascar, our teams are focused on the drought-stricken region of Grand Sud. We are helping families cope with the climate crisis, work with local partners to strengthen the health system, and provide lifesaving treatment for malnutrition.

A child is screened for malnutrition in Madagascar.

People Reached By Nutrition & Health Programs

Women farmers plan out their plots in a dry-looking garden.

People Benefited From Food Security & Livelihoods Programs

Action Against Hunger teams carry out a nutrition screening in Madagascar.
Stephane Rakotomalala
Action Against Hunger, Madagascar
Our mobile response team hosts an education session with mothers of malnourished children.
Stephane Rakotomalala
Action Against Hunger, Madagascar
A farmer works in his parched fields.
Stephane Rakotomalala
Action Against Hunger, Madagascar
Prices for what little food available in local markets are high, and there are few customers who can afford them.
Stephane Rakotomalala
Action Against Hunger, Madagascar

Our mobile health teams travel to hard-to-reach communities to screen and treat young children suffering from malnutrition.

Our community-led water, sanitation, and hygiene program partners with local people to promote healthy hygiene habits to prevent disease and malnutrition.

To help communities prepare for future crises, our disaster risk reduction program works with families and local agencies to build resilience in the face of climate shocks.

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In poor urban areas, where humanitarian needs are growing, we're providing cash to 15,000 families.

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