
A woman cultivates her crops.
Christophe Da Silva
Action Against Hunger, Chad

The State of Hunger in Chad

Since gaining independence in 1960, Chad has suffered from political instability, social unrest, and conflict. Today, climate crises and attacks by armed groups in the Lake Chad Basin are driving severe malnutrition as families are forced to flee conflict.

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How We're Helping in Chad

Action Against Hunger’s teams work to prevent hunger across Chad. We provide food to vulnerable people and teach men and women to grow crops, even with limited rainfall. Our teams help women in Chad learn new ways to earn incomes and become more independent.

Action Against Hunger trucks drive through a desert in the Sahel region of West Africa.

People Reached By Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Programs

In a health center in Chad, a woman sits on a bed with her malnourished child.

People Supported By Food Security & Livelihoods Programs

A woman holds her two year old granddaughter in her lap at an Action Against Hunger Health Center in Chad
Christophe Da Silva
Action Against Hunger, Chad
A woman makes pasta inside her home.
Christophe Da Silva
Action Against Hunger, Chad
A woman walks through dry, sandy land with a large bag above her head. An Action Against Hunger truck is in the background.
Christophe Da Silva
Action Against Hunger, Chad

“My granddaughter’s health is so much better than before. Since she took the medicine she is much better.””

— - Khadija grandmother to Fatime, who was treated for malnutrition by Action Against Hunger

We support the local health system by working in communities to promote healthy behaviors, good nutrition, and diverse diets.

We're working with people who have been displaced by conflict so that they can gain access to food, clean water, safe sanitation, and good hygiene.

Pledge to End Hunger


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