Gaza Crisis Appeal
There are several ways to leave a gift in your will:
Today’s needs might not be the same as tomorrow’s. By leaving an unrestricted bequest, you ensure that your gift will be used where needs are the greatest at a given time, and reach those that need it most without delay. If you wish to support a specific geographic area or program, please contact us to discuss your options.
If you would like to leave a planned gift, the bequest must be included in your will using the organization’s legal name and CRA number. Provide the following information to your attorney, or be sure to include the following in your will:
Legal Name: Action Against Hunger ACF (Canada) / Action contre la Faim ACF (Canada)
Address: 500-720 Bathurst St. Toronto, ON M5S 2R4
CRA #: 833634678RR0001
Nonprofit Status: Registered charity under paragraph 149(1)(f) of the Income Tax Act
To notify us of your future gift, or to learn more about leaving a bequest, please contact out office: info@actionagainsthunger.ca or 1-844-644-1016